I'm here to help you hold your past stories and present life with compassion, and create a future full of possibility.
I'm here to help you use the wisdom of your own body to release patterns that no longer serve you.
And I'm here to help you deepen your innate ability to trust your body, yourself, and the journey unfolding before you.
Maybe you're like other women I know, who live quietly with the challenges of their past, even though they sense the effects still moving through their lives.
Maybe you grew up in a situation that wasn't especially nurturing for your body and being.
Maybe you've had relationships that haven't supported you in the ways you've needed most.
And maybe you've said, "It's not a such a big deal", thinking that others are far worse off.
But you know your past experiences still affect you, and you're yearning for a deep breath of freedom.

Here's the thing:
Unresolved emotional wounds and untended traumas affect everything in your life, from the way you feel to the way you're in relationship, from the way you treat your body, to the way your mind works.
It's possible you've noticed...
- You have a fear of making mistakes, heightened anxiety in seemingly mild situations, tension in your body, or are often overwhelmed by emotions.
- Or, on the other hand, you might have emotions that are dulled, with little reaction or feeling, but you have physical problems you can't seem to resolve.
- Intimacy is a challenge, and you might feel like you're doing something wrong or are undeserving of love or full sexual expression.
- Frustration with your body and your relationship to it, possibly including disordered eating or self harm.
- Repeated behaviors or reactions that don't make sense to you, that don't feel like your true self.
- Difficulty connecting or being vulnerable in relationships
- Finding it challenging to receive love and care from others.
You may dismiss these things as normal stress, thinking “that’s just life,” or you "just have to live with it”.
But this can change.
I'm here to help you live your life fully and freely.
I'm here to help you trust yourself and your process even more deeply.
As a social worker and counselor drawing from the rich holistic wisdom of body-mind therapies and mindfulness practices, I help women just like you find freedom from the things that have been holding them back from living lives of fullness and ease.

Take a breath with me and imagine...
Waking up in the morning with a sense of contentment and calm as you blink your eyes open.
Glancing in the mirror and feeling at home in your body, seeing its uniqueness and beauty, without pain, discomfort, shame or guilt.
Looking your partner in the eye and feeling safe, supported and understood.
Walking into work or stepping into a meeting being clear of your wants and needs, and trusting that you will be heard and seen.
Knowing in your bones that you--your thoughts, your feelings, your desires--matter.
This is all possible, and I'm right here to walk this path with you.
I'm here with you holding a safe space for your healing and tender discovery.
I'm here to help you deepen into the wisdom of your own body and heart.
I'm here to walk with you, beginning right where you are.
I believe feeling connected, content and confident is your birthright.
I believe you are innately capable, resilient and whole.
If you're ready to open to a new way of being, I'd love to connect.
To take your first step, send me a little note here.